Southeast Texas Hurricane Evacuation Study

Project Front Page


The purpose of this webpage is to provide a convenient location for project updates, events, and to post links to the Southeast Texas Hurricane Evacuation Planning Atlas and other documents, PowerPoints, and webpages that might be of importance and interests for project participants and team members. We want this site to serve as a resource to inform and support the hurricane evacuation study process and to keep participants and stakeholders updated on meetings, draft reports, and other materials.


Please note: This is a working website, so its structure and content will be evolving throughout the run of the project. Additionally, if there are materials you would like to see posted to the website or modifications, please contact: Alexander Abuabara (


Quick Links



·      Southeast Texas Hurricane Evacuation Study Hazard Analysis - 2023
The updated Hazard Analysis for the Texas coastal counties of Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Hardin, Harris, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Matagorda, Newton, and Orange.



·      Southeast Texas Hurricane Evacuation Planning Atlas
This is the link to the interactive GIS webpage providing geospatial data to facilitate the development or reassessment of current hurricane evacuation/risk zones and the vulnerability analysis.


Draft Evacuation Zone Mapbooks

·      Southeast Texas Study Area (All Planning Zones)

·      Lower Planning Zone

·      Middle Planning Zone

·      Upper Planning Zone



·      Project Events, Meetings, and Workshops


HES Team Members and Contacts


·      USACE Galveston District

o  Kyle Donlevy
HES Re-study manager and coordination.

·      FEMA Region 6

o   Arianne Thomas
HES input and technical support.

·      Texas Department of Emergency Management

o   Blake White

o   Carman Apple
HES oversight, input and technical support, coordination with county, local & regional government, agencies, and stakeholders.

·      Texas A&M HRRC and TTI

o   Conducting vulnerability, behavioral, shelter, and transportation analysis and providing technical assistance.

§  Walt G. Peacock
Team management, coordination, and data analysis.

§  David Bierling
Team management, coordination, and data analysis.

§  Doug Wunneburger
GIS and data development and analysis, website development.

§  Darrell Borchardt
Transportation scenario development and analysis.

§  Alexander Abuabara
GIS & data development and analysis and website development and maintenance.


Southeast Texas Hurricane Evacuation Study Planning Zones


In previous Hurricane Evacuation Studies undertaken by the National Hurricane Program, the Texas coast was divided into four evacuation study areas: the Rio Grande Valley (Hidalgo, Cameron, & Willacy), Coastal Bend (Kenedy, Kleberg, Nueces, San Patricio, Aransas, Refugio, Calhoun, & Victoria), Houston/Galveston (Jackson, Matagorda, Brazoria, Harris, & Galveston) and Sabine Lake (Chambers, Liberty, Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, Jasper, & Newton).


This time, the 12 counties comprising the Houston/Galveston and Sabine Lake study areas have been combined into one single study area, the Southeast Texas Hurricane Study Area. To facilitate the Hurricane Evacuation Study process, particularly when holding workshops to work more closely with county/municipality and other stakeholders, the 12 counties have been divided into three planning zones: Upper, Middle, and Lower. The counties in each planning zone are as follows:

·      Upper: Newton, Jasper, Hardin, Orange, and Jefferson

·      Middle: Harris, Galveston, Liberty, and Chambers

·      Lower: Brazoria, Matagorda, and Jackson



Meetings and Workshops


Transportation Analysis Workshops

·      Transportation Analysis Kick-off virtual meeting

o   Date: 10/28/24, 11AM-1PM
Location: Virtual

·      Meeting #1 Middle Planning Zone (Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty Counties)

o   Presentation Slides
Lower Planning Zone Mapbook

o   Date: Mon Nov 18, 2024, 8-11AM
Location: Walter Hall Park
807 State Hwy 3 N.

League City TX 77573

·      Meeting #2 Lower Planning Zone (Brazoria, Jackson, and Matagorda Counties)

o   Presentation Slides
Middle Planning Zone Mapbook

o   Date: Mon Nov 18, 2024, 1-4PM
Location: Lake Jackson Civic Center
333 TX-332
Lake Jackson TX 77566

·      Meeting #3 Upper Planning Zone (Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Newton, and Orange Counties)

o   Presentation Slides
Upper Planning Zone Mapbook

o   Date: Mon Dec 2nd, 2024, 8-11AM
Location: Orange County Convention and Expo Center
11475 FM 1442
Orange, TX 77630


Evacuation Zone Workshops

·      Meeting #1 Middle Planning Zone (Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty Counties)

o   Slides and Maps (PDF format):

§  Evacuation Zone Workshop 1 for Middle Planning Zone

§  Packet for Chambers County

§  Packet for Galveston County

§  Packet for Harris County

§  Packet for Liberty County

o   Date: Mon Mar 18, 2024
Location: Walter Hall Park 
807 State Hwy 3 N.
League City TX 77573

·      Meeting #2 Upper Planning Zone (Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Newton, and Orange Counties)

o   Slides and Maps (PDF format):

§  Evacuation Zone Workshop 2 for Upper Planning Zone

§  Packet for All the Counties in the Upper Planning Zone

§  Hardin County Surge and Potential Zones

o   Date: Mon Apr 1, 2024
Location: Orange County Convention and Expo Center
11475 FM 1442
Orange, TX 77630

·      Meeting #3 Lower Planning Zone (Brazoria, Jackson, and Matagorda Counties)

o   Slides and Maps (PDF format)

§  Evacuation Zone Workshop 3 for Lower Planning Zone

§  Packet for Brazoria County

§  Packet for Jackson County

§  Packet for Matagorda County

o   Date: Mon Apr 15, 2024
Location: Lake Jackson Civic Center
333 TX-332
Lake Jackson TX 77566


·      Kick Off Meeting

§  Video (on YouTube)

§  Slides (PDF format)

o   Date: Thu Feb 15, 2024
Location: Virtual




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Last updated: Fri Oct 25 2024 04:20 PM